I thought I would share what I have been working on this past week or so. I got really inspired by Tsh over at Simple Mom and got my declutter on!! First of all I worked on the kitchen. (Her week #2 challenge was refrigerator and pantry, I took care of the frig and most of the pantry foodstuffs over the weekend and forgot to take pictures!) I focused on the "baking cabinet" which includes all of the spices and baking ingredients. I had been holding on to a bunch of glass tomato sauce Mason jars, thinking I could use them for crafts. But seeing their efficient size, I decided to use them in another way! I labeled each jar with the super cute and functional Martha Stewart Avery labels from Staples. One with chocolate chips, one with raisins, one with salt, one with almond flour, etc. The cabinet looks ten times better and is so much easier to use!! I figure if I am going to be making things from scratch around here, its going to look cute!!
Week #1 challenge was to declutter the kids' rooms and stuff. We were able to start the dreaded clothes switch out last week, during our quarantined spring break (we all had the stomach bug)! We are not completely finished but most of the winter clothes have been binned, properly labeled and moved to the attic. I have pulled out clothes to donate or give to friends and whittled my boys' spring clothes down to what they like (did you know 3 year old boys can be picky?) and what they need. It seemed we had over 20 pairs of shorts between the two of the boys - way too many in my book. That equals more loads of laundry to be done. As a consequence of the switch (in which the hubs is the great man of the hour - helping, folding, and lugging bins up and down the attic latter - thank you baby!) we have decluttered underneath our bed (as it is a storage area for lots of our things that don't fit in our teeny closet). The next spot is to go through the toys once again and the "homeless" toys. I am inspired by Rachel's recent post from Small Notebook.
The third challenge: closets, countertops and drawers & #4 the basement (choose your own adventure). Along with that I will be planting some of our early spring seeds and looking for some nice plants and flowers for the front and back yards. Hopefully we can have some of that nice warm spring weather we had last week.