Sunday, January 20, 2013

A New Year, A New Me

Greetings to y'all! Its another year - but its a new year. A time for growth, movement and challenge. At least for me. My 35th year comes in a few weeks. I have decided that I want to get healthy. I have been talking about this for years now. Its been four years since our last child was born. My body is not getting back to the way it was because I have to do something to make that happen. Without going in to my long, personal history with weight and body image stuff, let's just say its been a battle. This year was altogether one of the most stressful years ever and now I have a chance to do something - to actually control a part of my life when everything else is out of my reach. This isn't just a desire to fit in to a specific size. This is a quest for lifelong health and wellness. So as of three days ago I began my Medifast journey. Its hard. I am a foody - love my posh cheeses, my breads, my wine and fancy beer. I love cooking and baking. I love going to yummy restaurants and finding the local places about town. This diet food is not the best tasting in the world. (shakes and bars are good). But I have decided that I am going to do this program. I have tried other programs - with some moderate success. However I need results. Its supposed to be quick - I am going to say 3 months. I want to lose 60 lbs. So it may take longer. I am going to have to get down to the food issues that are at the heart of matter. Why does food comfort me. Why do I go to food instead of Jesus? What can I do that is a healthy alternative? It is what is necessary to make this 35th year the best and the foundation year for the rest of my life. If I don't take care of my weight now, there will be serious (not maybe, but for-real will be) health consequences in the future. My family and friends will suffer. I don't want to live that way. I want to LIVE. I want to get to my desired healthy weight - which for a 5 ft 2 in female is 118 to 132 for a medium frame. Medifast has a great track record for losing the weight and keeping it off. I want maintain a healthy weight and be active. I have an awesome bike and I want to use it. I love to work out and do yoga. I want to be able to do those things, without the baby weight. I don't want my kids to ever ask Mama why are you fat? I want to make positive choices for my children. I am seeking out my doctor's advice and also that of a nutritionist. I believe this is a really good program for me because it is a low glycemic level diet. I have diabetes in my family and I know that this is key. I would like to journal here on the blog every Sunday - give a weigh in and feelings from the week. It will be good to post pictures. This will be an encouragement to me down the line, when it is tempting to give up.

1 comment:

  1. Hi friend! Happy to see you are blogging again! Please please please let's plan some time to get together! I would love that! Text me with some dates for March! Wednesdays are best for me!
